Elbatech In The News

Elbatech Group is acquiring Tamuz plant

In 2014 Elbatech Group complete its negotiation and acquires Tamuz Izrael. Which is adding to the Group mechanical and hith level assembly capabilities.

The establishment of a southern plant in Sderot

Elbatech Sderot was established in 2012 as the south branch of the Elbatech Technologies division. the factory provides electromechanical production services, specializing in subcontract manufacturing on a full turnkey basis, in the aerospace and military industries.

Elbatech Group – Promo movie

  Promo moove English: https://www.facebook.com/EbatechGroup/videos/1587477511568059/   Hebrew: https://www.facebook.com/EbatechGroup/videos/1556852507963893/